The Founders
Green LG Energy is the Italian strategic joint venture that has been supporting international research into the development of BioLPG (rLPG) for over a year and a half; It was founded by the most important distributors in the LPG sector in Italy: AGN Energia, Gruppo Beyfin SpA, Gruppo Socogas and Veroniki Holding/ButanGas. Present with them was the Cavagna Group, the world’s leading provider of integrated solutions for storage, control and measurement of compressed gases in various sectors including energy.
In other words, competitors in the same industry for the first time become strategic partners to arrive together at the large-scale production of totally green, decarbonized BioLPG made according to the principles of the circular economy (Renewable LPG, rGPL), for automotive and heating purposes, especially for off-grid users in both developed and developing countries. In its journey, Green LG Energy, in addition to the trust of international players such as Friedrich Scharr KG and rLPG North America, saw the entry of Italy’s Ultragas CM SpA, as a partner, in March 2023.

AGN ENERGIA has been present in the LPG market for over 60 years and has established itself as a leader operating throughout the country in the domestic, agricultural, industrial and automotive sectors. A path that has continued to diversify and expand its offer in all energy sectors: supply of 100% green natural gas and electricity, non-polluting technical gases, plants for the production of energy from renewable sources, energy efficiency and electric mobility solutions, and the development of Energy Communities.
AGN ENERGIA is now a point of reference for all energy needs with the aim of guiding its customers through the energy transition.

Nearly 70 years of history, 150 service stations, 10 depots, 11 branches, 360 employees, a network that extends across central and northern Italy with a structured presence in 13 regions and a turnover that in 2022 reached 500 million euros. Sono i numeri di Beyfin, azienda fiorentina totalmente a capitale italiano, dedita alla distribuzione di GPL e carburanti tradizionali che rappresenta una eccellenza del settore energia. The company is headed by Beatrice Niccolai, who recently transformed the group into a Benefit Company. Among the ‘sustainable’ goals of the company’s strategies are the development of BioLPG from waste and the expansion of Beyfin service stations to include carriers such as hydrogen. Beatrice Niccolai, daughter of founder Luciano, has been at Beyfin Group since 26 May 2017.

For more than 70 years, it has excelled worldwide in offering advanced, integrated solutions for the control, regulation and storage of compressed gases (power gases, alternative fuel gases, medical gases, industrial gases, cryogenic and specialty gases). Founded in 1949 near Brescia, an area of historical-industrial excellence in metalworking, the Group currently consists of eleven vertically integrated production units in Italy and seven located on five continents. This consolidated design and production activity is now combined with a growing commitment to sustainable energy transition and digitisation applied to its sectors, in particular by developing IoT solutions and digitally controlled technologies.

SOCOGAS S.p.A. was founded in 1967 following Renzo Zucchi’s intuition about the potential of LPG as a clean energy source.
Today, Socogas is a large Italian Group with 250 employees, 5 locations, the main one in Fidenza (Parma) and a turnover of 750 million Euro in 2022. It operates in several Energy-related sectors: it supplies LPG, Methane, Electricity to households and businesses and lubricants to workshops, industry and agriculture. It operates an extensive network of road distributors. It is active in fuel trading, advanced logistics, network management, research and production of new clean energy sources.
President and CEO of the Group is Patrizia Zucchi.

ButanGas was founded in Italy in 1948 by Professor Giuseppe Costantino Dragan. Since its early years, the company has been able to carve out an important role for itself in the LPG market, organising distribution throughout the country. ButanGas è una società controllata da Veroniki Holding, fondata nel 2010 dalla Dott.ssa Daniela Veronica Gusa de Dragan in qualità di struttura unica di coordinamento di tutte le società del Gruppo Dragan. The Group’s core business is LPG distribution in 7 European countries: Italy, Greece, Romania, Germany, Poland, Serbia and Austria.

Since 1954, Ultragas has been committed to providing its customers with efficient, clean and safe energy. This is why Ultragas believes in LPG and electricity, environmentally sustainable products that are easy to transport and have a high calorific value. For households, tailor-made solutions are offered for both off-loading and consumption. To the same extent, a service that makes a difference for companies is guaranteed. Ultragas is the 50% owner of Italcost, the largest of the four Naples Coastal Depots. The fleet of 60 ATBs supplies over 100,000 customers and the fleet of 40 ATCs supplies 2,500 cylinder dealers to serve over 800,000 end users. Automotive through our extra-network customers also completes the business. The Group covers the whole country with 10 depots and 16 sales offices, with the exception of Sardinia, with 230 employees and a turnover of 146 million Euro in 2022.
International partners
The energy transition will only happen on a global scale; A lesson that Italy’s Green LG Energy is very clear about given the international partners involved in the project carried out since July 2022, which involves the investment of economic resources to achieve the decarbonization of LPG thanks to the Cool LPG technology developed by GTI Energy. The technology converts biogas from landfills, agricultural facilities (animal waste and food by-products) and wastewater treatment plants-also potentially municipal solid waste-into BioLPG, a 100 percent renewable liquid fuel for transportation and heating. BioLPG LLC has received an exclusive global licence from GTI Energy to bring to market Cool LPG technology that can convert biogas into bioLPG. After the first months of collaboration between Green LG Energy, GTI Energy and BioLPG LLC, the partnership has expanded to include two more international partners: Friedrich Scharr KG, rLPG North America;

BioLPG LLC and its UN-backed NGO affiliate, The Global LPG Partnership, are the executors of GTI Energy’s exclusive global licences to bring GTI Energy Cool LPG technology to market. BioLPG LLC’s mission is to develop and commercialise large-scale renewable LPG production. La Global LPG Partnership, Inc. is a UN- and EU-supported NGO that works with developing countries to plan, finance and implement the national use of LPG for the transition of households to clean energy.

GTI Energy
GTI Energy is the Chicago-based, globally recognised technology research organisation that works with international partners to develop and implement energy solutions that improve lives, economies and the environment.

Friedrich Scharr KG
Friedrich Scharr KG is a leading German multi-energy fuel distribution group based in Stuttgart, Germany. It has been a leader in the LPG sector in Stuttgart and Europe for decades and takes an active role in the civic life of Stuttgart.

rLPG North America
rLPG North America is a consortium of major North American LPG companies (Blossman Gas, Inc.; Blue Star Gas Holding Company; Cavagna North America Inc.; NGL Supply Terminals Company; Paraco Gas Corporation) committed to achieving LPG decarbonisation.